วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

My weekend

My weekend is important because I always go wherever I want. Sometime if
I have a lot free time I will go Pattaya with my family. I love Pattaya. I will play Banana boat all the time. When I tried I will order some food to eat with my family.

And next place to I like to go is department store. I like to shopping, watching movie.

And I like to go Dream’s World with my friends. It is very funny.
I play every machine until I tried or Dream’s World close. We are the last one group to go back home.

My favorite food

I like to eat Pla-ja-la-met to steam with my family. It is delicious. It has flesh very soft and sweet. I will order Pla-ja-la-met to steam every time when I go to restaurant. Pla-ja-la-met to steam has way very easy to do from now on.

Pla-ja-la-met to steam
Flavoring agents

Pla-ja-la-met weight 500 g. 1 fish
Ginger 1 teatable
Solanaceae (Capsicum frutescent) 1 seed
Binding 1/4 teaspoon
Granulated sugar 1 teaspoon
Salt 1/4 teaspoon
Soybean sauce 2 teatable
Lemonade 1 teatable


1. Wash your fish, slit stomach and wash again. Then separate the fish absorb water so dry apply on lemonade 1 teaspoon salt and binding put on the plate. Sprinkle by ginger and Solanaceae and lead to steam in the boil water and strong fire about 10 minutes.
2. Mix between soybean sauce and lemonade and granulated sugar together and then pour on fish to steam already.


Fitness is the condition of being healthy or strong enough to do hard work or sports. And people who have a good fitness that it can make you have a good heart too.
In the present it has many teenager want themselves have a beautiful figure. So they have a lot of different idea to make a beautiful figure. Some people think to exercise for own shape, some think to reduce weight by mean of restrain food or take a medicine. But I think people who choose to take exercise for own shape that is good idea and this way is good for your health and body. And who choose take the medicine for weight reduce that mistake. In the first time it can help you weight so pleased but after that when you stop to take it, it has a side-effect or yoyo-effect that bad for your body. Because this medicine is chemical that it can make you have some hallucination when you stop it.
Now, it has a lot of method for your health. It depend on your choose for your health. And it has influence for your heart too. And this time, everywhere have a fitness room that is the place for exercise such as California Wow, hotel, club, park, ABAC, etc. In anyplace it has complete benefit that it can called “Fitness”.

like to learn in Abac.

Assumption University is the place to give
knowledge to many students who is come
study will at from university and everything
from ABAC. It is good to study in ABAC.
And study in university it is different to
study in high school so much. I have a
responsibility in university more than school.
Before I started in ABAC I didn’t to
understand in English and didn’t know
how about the teacher teach me. I am very
seriously. So I have to improve my English
for myself. I think the English language
is very important for my work in the future.
ABAC is beautiful. Since I study in ABAC my
English is good better than before and ABAC
give me about new experience and new friends
for me.

my favorite color

Color can tell everybody know the feeling
and emotion.And everyone have special color on
oneself.And I have a lot of color to favorite
and usually select favorite color to buy
miscellaneous things and it look like my identity.
My favorite color is white, pink, green,
and violet. I like soft color because it look
lively and peacefully.I like white color because
it is pure color look bright and strike my eyes
to itself.I like pink color because it is sweet
color and fresh. And I usually used this color
to buy something it is look not boring.
I like green color because it is nature
color look at easy for the eye. When I have a
headache I will look something is green color.
I like violet color because a lot of
people look feel sadness but, I feel difference.
It let me feel romantic, hidden and sweet feeling.
I like this color because it gentle and neat.
Every time when I go to shopping
I usually choose this color first.


Now it is 8 am. In the morning but
I'm still awake. This is not the only night
that lying on the bed doesn't mean sleeping
to me. I just closed my eyes because today
I didn't have class. I was thinking about
the party tonight. Today is Birthday of
my best friend. My friend have a party at
her home with her family and a little friend
at University but today I and her family set
the scene that today is a normal day don't
have anything for do and can't remember that
today is her birthday. Then in the evening
she call and asked me "Where are you ?
Today you have a free time I want to have
dinner because today is my birthday."
And I told her that “I’m sorry I can’t go with her”
Then in the evening I went to her home
and set the party with her family.
When she came back to home I saw she cry
when she saw everything that we set.
And we are shout that “Happy Birthday” I think
that day is very impress for my friend.

I hope my friend happy all the time
,got the thing that her wish,meet a good
person,have a good grades Happy Birthday
...........My best friend.............

วันศุกร์ที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

About me

About me. I’m an ordinary girl I guess.

My name is Karnchana you can call me Sine.

Well, at first some of them may think that

I'm a quiet but when you deeply know me.

I think I’m a little bit crazy and sensitive

person...I cry so easily...I love hanging out

with my friend and I usually spend almost time

with my family. I’m easy join person but

sometimes I feel bored with something

easily So many things that I can’t actually

tell but mostly interested in girly things

like shopping, shoes,shirt Whatever

I'm shopping girl.I love fashion,make up,

watching movies,reading magazines,

watching movie theater. I really love eaten

especially cake chocolate and ice-cream!

I believe in second chances. We all make

mistakes..but i hate to be taken for granted

and i hate people that don’t keep their

promises or don’t do what they said they will.

when they're capable to do it..


I feel like most of people seem to find the dark when everything is bright and they are looking for all that’s wrong instead of all that’s right. The meaning of life is a discussion of human existence, anyway there are many question that hard to get an answer in one life such as: “What is the purpose of life?” and “What is the significance of life?” By the way I will show the way that I try to find the answer for these questions which it’s depended on my experience and knowledge.
I believe that things in a person’s life can have meaning; I think its mean importance to himself and others in the form of the events throughout my life and the results of my life in terms of achievements as a legacy, family, psychological core, etc. I suggest you to watch a movie that it clearly to indicate what is the “Meaning of Life”. It is CARS the Movie; it’s also a good film that teaches me what is important to our life.
In the movie, at the first time it shows how the famous, popular and rich are important to our life. You can see that when McQueen get the reward, there are many journalists, spectacles and also beautiful cars love him whom makes him feeling good and proud that he wins the race and McQueen is the champion, so they love him. And then, he feels try from competition in the greatest race, but finally he misses. He falls from the truck and lost the way. So he runs through to the Route 66 that he has never been before and meets with the old cars. In the philosophy, all of this is not the essential things for our life they will come and go but we don’t understand this and believe that they are important. After McQueen has lost in the old town, he could find that he can be the greatest car that is speed and cool without them. Eventually, he doesn’t the winner in the great race though he is the leader. He tried to help the other car that is crashed to complete the race. However, there are many fans love him because he is good and kind so he is the most popular car in the world and get so many rewards after that. It can be seen that he can be popular without the winner position but win the fans with his kindness. I am convinced that it is good movies that give the use ness to us we can apply for our life and social to build up the beautiful and happiness world before it is plenty with the severe problems.
Life is so short for us; we could not live alone but we should try to share the love and happiness with each other. To reach what is exactly in the meaning of Life. Kindness and love are the necessary things for human whenever we lost these things, we could not live well in the world. The material things will not be with us but love will be with us for eternity.