วันอังคารที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

One day.

Today I woke up early to get ready to go to
class. It was a sunny day.Now it's a winter
is still hot through. I wore a seat shirt
because I didn't iron my unifrom so I kept
being sweaty all day.Eventhrough I wroke up
early,I was still late for the class.
I had a presentation today.My group was the
first group.the teacher wanted my group to
do the presentation without me because she
couldn't wait so all of my friends pretened
to move really show to wait for me.
Then I finally came.Our presentation was great.
The teacher gave us full mark.At the end
of class she told us about the exam.
Fortunately,the next class is cancled.
In the afternoon, I came back to my room
because I was so sleepy.I slept until the
evening.I woke up and feel exhausted.
Then my friend asked me to go the dinner
with her.We had a nice dinner.Today I was
one fine day.
